
Analogue Baby

via shop.holgadirect.com
I became a lomographer by accident. It was 2007 when my former band got invited to play for a lomo exhibit, and this is when I started to dabble with analogue photography. Aside from the awesome people, my interest was piqued by the colorful and dreamlike photos displayed on the lomowall. The first manual camera I bought was a Nikon FM-10, followed by a Holga CFN. 

A self-portrait from my first roll of film.
Double exposure with a Taiwanese lomographer.
The Chicago Bean by Zoe Ezequiel, one of Manila's best lomographers.
Back then I would bring my all my lomo cameras with me wherever I went. Bringing more than five or more cameras at a time whenever we traveled wasn't out of the ordinary for me and my lomo friends. Of course, back then film was also way cheaper.

Beach biking by Zoe Ezequiel.
Street kids by Rene Nob.
I wanna be a supermodel by chrissiecaps.
Although I don't shoot as much these days, I don't think anything can ever replace analogue photography for me. True, Instagram can probably replicate the effects of lomography cameras, but for me it's not quite as magical. So if you want to try your hand on lomography, here are my top five analogue cameras that you should consider taking a look at:

1. Holga (photo at the beginning of the post). Holgas are one of the cheaper lomo cameras that produces square format photos. The sun is your friend when shooting pictures with this camera, but night shots also come out lovely if you know how to use the flash or bulb settings properly.

by chrissiecaps

2. LC-A. This is the mother of all lomo cameras. It makes every picture you take look like a scene from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's a little harder to manipulate because you can't just keep clicking. You have to put a little more thought into the technical aspects like the distance of the subject and the light source available.

3. Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim. This is not a lomo camera, but Lomography has their own sleeker, albeit more expensive, version (the La Sardina). This is what we call the poor man's LC-A. It produces almost the same results, but you can only use it during sunny days.

Quiapo Church by Teo Esguerra.
4. Horizon Perfekt. Panoramic. Film. Enough said.

Gilesy by chrissiecaps
5. SuperSampler. This camera produces four sequential shots in one frame. It's perfect for use outdoors on super sunny days.

*All photos are my own except when noted.

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