
Home Recording Studio Essentials

Since I just wrote about Kara Paslay's home recording studio project, how about we take a look at some more, from small-scale home studios to grand, professional ones.

Aside from proper equipment, what are the essentials of decent home recording studio? Above all, you should have good acoustics because it can either make or break your recording. Many people are fooled into thinking that egg crates will help with your sound, but this is actually just a myth. 

Number two is lighting. It's not just for aesthetics but also for your overall sound quality. Did you know that using fluorescent lights can affect your recording output by adding noise?

Also take into consideration the proper furniture and storage that you will need. Studio technicians sit for hours while recording, so it's obvious that one should pick out a comfortable chair. Usually tables for mixing boards and computers are customized, especially if you have the professional kind because it can vary from big to enormous. Of course, you can always use an ordinary desk if the studio is just for personal use.

(via toddmillet.com)
The studio looks like a space station. I like the wood walls. (via buildthestudio.com)

Peter Elyakim Taussig at the famous Abbey Road Studios (via novalynx.ca)

(via blog.mixonline.com)

(via mastering.soundops.com)
The tips I mentioned above are just the basics. If you are planning to set up a recording studio, the Internet has so much information that you can make use of, like this one or this one or this one

Happy music making!

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